Clay Mine

In this mine you will extract clay, one of the most important resources for your economy. Clay is used for building pyramids and palaces.

Clay is a basic material for manufactiring air-dried mud bricks, which are used in construction of any kind of buildings, from simple residential blocks to great pyramids and palaces. As clay is extracted from the river mud, it makes sense to build the Clay Mine right on the river bank. In order to increase clay production, the Clay Mine has to be expanded.


– Geometry Level 1

– Geometry research reduces building construction costs by 1% per level.

– Architecture research reduces building construction time by 1% per level.

Level Build Cost Build Time Consumption Basic Production
Geometry level 1 – Architecture level 0
1 59 99 39 9 3 00:00:09 6/h 401
2 83 138 55 13 1 00:00:20 8/h 856
3 108 181 72 17 1 00:00:32 10/h 1.370
4 152 254 101 25 3 00:00:43 16/h 1.947
5 213 357 142 35 3 00:00:56 24/h 2.594
6 299 499 199 49 5 00:01:10 34/h 3.319
7 419 699 279 69 6 00:01:26 44/h 4.128
8 587 980 391 97 9 00:01:42 62/h 5.029
9 823 1.371 548 136 13 00:02:02 88/h 6.031
10 1.152 1.921 768 191 17 00:02:21 122/h 7.143
11 1.613 2.689 1.076 268 25 00:02:45 172/h 8.376
12 2.258 3.765 1.505 375 35 00:03:13 242/h 9.741
13 3.162 5.272 2.108 526 49 00:03:47 340/h 11.249
14 4.428 7.381 2.951 737 68 00:04:26 476/h 12.914
15 6.200 10.334 4.132 1.033 95 00:05:14 666/h 14.749
16 8.680 14.467 5.786 1.446 133 00:06:11 932/h 16.771
17 12.152 20.254 8.101 2.024 187 00:07:20 1.306/h 18.996
18 17.013 28.356 11.342 2.835 261 00:08:45 1.828/h 21.440
19 23.819 39.698 15.879 3.969 366 00:10:28 2.560/h 24.125
20 33.347 55.579 22.231 5.557 512 00:12:36 3.584/h 27.071
21 46.685 77.811 31.124 7.780 718 00:15:12 5.020/h 30.301
22 65.361 108.935 43.574 10.893 718 00:18:26 7.028/h 33.839
23 91.505 152.509 61.003 15.250 1.405 00:22:27 9.838/h 37.712
24 128.108 213.514 85.405 21.350 1.968 00:27:25 13.774/h 41.949
25 179.351 298.919 119.567 29.891 2.755 00:33:35 19.284/h 46.581
26 251.092 418.487 167.395 41.848 3.857 00:41:17 26.998/h 51.641
27 351.529 585.884 234.353 58.588 5.400 00:50:51 37.798/h 57.167
28 492.142 820.237 328.094 82.023 7.560 01:02:47 52.918/h 63.197
29 688.999 1.148.332 459.332 114.832 10.584 01:17:39 74.086/h 69.774
30 964.599 1.607.665 643.066 160.766 14.817 01:36:14 103.720/h 76.944
Geometry level 30 – Architecture level 30
31 1.016.459 1.694.100 677.639 169.409 20.744 01:27:58 145.208/h 84.757
32 1.423.044 2.371.740 948.696 237.174 29.042 01:49:17 203.292/h 93.265
33 1.992.261 3.320.436 1.328.174 332.043 40.658 02:15:53 284.608/h 102.528
34 2.789.166 4.648.611 1.859.444 464.860 56.922 02:49:08 398.452/h 112.606
35 3.904.833 6.508.055 2.603.221 650.805 79.690 03:30:39 557.832/h 123.569
36 5.466.766 9.111.277 3.644.510 911.127 111.567 04:22:31 780.966/h 135.488
37 7.653.473 12.755.788 5.102.315 1.275.578 156.193 05:27:20 1.093.352/h 148.442
38 10.714.862 17.858.103 7.143.241 1.785.809 218.671 06:48:20 1.530.694/h 162.516
39 15.000.807 25.001.346 10.000.538 2.500.134 306.139 08:29:33 2.142.972/h 177.802
40 21.001.130 35.001.884 14.000.753 3.500.188 428.594 10:36:02 3.000.160/h 194.396
Geometry level 40 – Architecture level 40
41 25.201.356 42.002.261 16.800.904 4.200.225 600.033 11:20:41 4.200.226/h 212.407
42 35.281.899 58.803.166 23.521.266 5.880.316 840.045 14:10:03 5.880.316/h 231.949
43 49.394.659 82.324.432 32.929.773 8.232.442 1.176.063 17:41:44 8.232.442/h 253.145
44 69.152.523 115.254.205 46.101.682 11.525.420 1.646.489 22:06:18 11.525.420/h 276.128
45 96.813.532 161.355.888 64.542.355 16.135.588 2.305.084 27:37:00 16.135.588/h 301.042
46 135.538.946 225.898.244 90.359.297 22.589.821 3.227.118 34:30:21 22.589.824/h 328.042
47 189.754.525 316.257.754 126.503.016 31.625.754 4.517.965 43:07:01 31.625.754/h 357.295
48 265.656.335 442.760.559 177.104.223 44.276.055 6.325.150 53:52:50 44.276.054/h 388.891
49 371.918.869 619.864.782 247.945.912 61.986.478 8.855.212 67:20:03 53.131.266/h 423.292
50 520.686.417 867.810.695 347.124.277 86.781.069 12.397.295 84:09:05 77.925.856/h 460.438
The building may be further expand.
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