Granite Quarry

Pink granite is a rock that does not only look beautiful thanks to its unusual color, but is also extremely stable. This resource is extracted from the Granite Quarry on the northern bank of the Great River.

The Granite Quarry is the place where you mine granite for your multiple construction projects. The quarry is strategically located on the northern bank of the Great River, from where large blocks of pink colored stones are further transported to various construction sites, to be used for building palaces, pyramids, obelisks, as well as manufacturing precious royal sculptures. Each new level of the Granite Quarry allows mining more granite.


– Geometry Level 1

– Geometry research reduces building construction costs by 1% per level.

– Architecture research reduces building construction time by 1% per level.

– Mineralogy research increases granite production by 0,5% per level.

Level Build Cost Build Time Consumption Basic Production
Geometry level 1 – Architecture level 0
1 118 69 49 9 3 00:00:11 6/h 194
2 166 97 69 13 1 00:00:24 8/h 412
3 218 127 90 17 1 00:00:38 10/h 659
4 305 178 127 25 3 00:00:53 16/h 935
5 427 249 178 35 3 00:01:08 24/h 1.243
6 599 349 249 49 5 00:01:26 34/h 1.587
7 839 490 349 69 6 00:01:44 44/h 1.971
8 1.175 685 490 97 9 00:02:06 62/h 2.396
9 1.646 960 685 136 13 00:02:29 88/h 2.869
10 2.305 1.344 960 191 17 00:02:55 122/h 3.391
11 3.228 1.882 1.344 268 25 00:03:26 172/h 3.969
12 4.518 2.635 1.882 375 35 00:04:02 242/h 4.607
13 6.326 3.690 2.635 526 49 00:04:44 340/h 5.311
14 8.857 5.167 3.690 737 68 00:05:33 472/h 6.086
15 12.400 7.233 5.167 1.033 95 00:06:32 666/h 6.938
16 17.361 10.126 7.233 1.446 133 00:07:34 932/h 7.874
17 24.305 14.177 10.126 2.024 187 00:08:58 1.306/h 8.901
18 34.027 19.848 14.177 2.835 261 00:10:42 1.828/h 10.028
19 47.639 27.789 19.848 3.969 366 00:12:48 2.560/h 11.263
20 66.694 38.905 27.289 5.557 512 00:15:24 3.584/h 12.615
21 93.372 54.467 38.905 7.780 718 00:18:36 5.020/h 14.093
22 130.722 76.254 54.467 10.893 1.004 00:22:32 7.028/h 15.709
23 183.011 106.756 76.254 15.250 1.405 00:27:26 9.838/h 17.474
24 256.216 149.459 106.756 21.350 1.968 00:33:31 13.774/h 19.401
25 358.703 209.243 149.459 29.891 2.755 00:41:04 19.284/h 21.503
26 502.186 292.941 209.243 41.848 3.857 00:50:27 26.998/h 23.794
27 703.060 410.118 292.941 58.588 5.400 01:02:09 37.798/h 26.291
28 984.285 574.166 410.118 82.023 7.560 01:16:44 52.918/h 29.010
29 1.377.999 803.832 574.166 114.832 10.584 01:34:55 74.086/h 31.969
30 1.929.199 1.125.366 803.832 160.766 14.817 01:57:36 103.720/h 35.188
Geometry level 30 – Architecture level 30
31 2.032.919 1.185.870 847.049 169.409 20.744 01:47:31 145.208/h 38.688
32 2.846.088 1.660.218 1.185.870 237.174 29.042 02:13:34 203.292/h 42.491
33 3.984.523 2.324.305 1.660.218 332.043 40.658 02:46:05 284.608/h 46.624
34 5.578.332 3.254.027 2.324.305 464.860 56.922 03:26:42 398.452/h 51.111
35 7.809.666 4.555.638 3.254.027 650.805 79.650 04:17:27 557.752/h 55.982
36 10.933.533 6.377.893 4.555.638 911.127 111.567 05:20:52 780.966/h 61.266
37 15.306.946 8.929.051 6.377.893 1.275.578 156.193 06:40:05 1.093.352/h 66.988
38 21.429.725 12.500.672 8.929.051 1.785.809 218.671 08:19:04 1.530.694/h 73.213
39 30.001.615 17.500.942 12.500.672 2.500.134 306.139 10:22:47 2.142.972/h 79.948
40 42.002.261 24.501.318 17.500.942 3.500.188 428.594 12:57:23 3.000.160/h 87.246
Geometry level 40 – Architecture level 40
41 50.402.713 29.401.582 21.001.130 4.200.225 600.033 13:51:57 4.200.226/h 95.151
42 70.563.799 41.162.216 29.401.582 5.880.316 840.045 17:18:57 5.880.316/h 103.710
43 98.789.319 57.627.102 41.162.216 8.232.442 1.176.063 21:37:40 8.232.442/h 112.975
44 138.305.047 80.677.944 57.627.102 11.525.420 1.646.489 27:01:02 11.525.420/h 123.001
45 193.627.066 112.949.122 80.677.944 16.135.588 2.305.084 33:45:14 16.135.588/h 133.847
46 271.077.892 158.128.770 112.949.122 22.589.824 3.227.118 42:10:26 22.589.824/h 145.578
47 379.509.050 221.380.279 158.128.770 31.625.754 4.517.965 52:41:54 31.625.754/h 158.262
48 531.312.670 309.932.391 221.380.279 44.276.055 6.325.150 65:51:14 44.276.054/h 171.974
49 743.837.739 433.905.347 309.932.391 61.986.478 8.855.212 82:17:51 61.986.478/h 186.793
50 1.041.372.834 607.467.486 433.905.347 86.781.069 12.397.295 102:51:06 86.781.068/h 202.803
The building may be further expand.
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