Hatshepsut Palace

This terraced palace complex built in honor of the pharaoh Hatshepsut allows you to found new settlements. For each level of the Hatshepsut Palace in your main city, a new settlement can be established.

A remarkable terraced structure that combines a perfect harmony and architectural excellence rises sharply above the cliff north of the Great River. This palace, the largest and the most beautiful building in the holy Northern Valley, was built in honor of the pharaoh Hatshepsut. She is known to have been a prolific builder who commissioned a great number of arquitectural projects, as well as the first female pharaoh to personally lead foreign expeditions and drive territorial expansion. Legend has it that her powers are still alive, that they reach far beyond the palace, and that they can transform a small settlement into a real empire. By building and expanding the palace, you can create new settlements. Every level of the Hatshepsut Palace allows you to found a new settlement.


– Mummification Level 1

– Measurement Level 20

– Season: Summer

– Geometry research reduces building construction costs by 1% per level.

– Architecture research reduces building construction time by 1% per level.

Level Build Cost Build Time Consump. Cities
Geometry level 25 – Architecture level 25
1 1.777.500 1.162.500 607.500 18.750.000 1.000 6 04:40:15 2.000/h 2
2 2.986.200 1.953.000 1.020.600 31.500.000 680 10 10:10:58 3.360/h 3
3 5.016.815 3.281.039 1.714.607 52.919.999 1.142 16 15:50:43 5.644/h 4
Geometry level 30 – Architecture level 30
4 7.866.366 5.144.670 2.688.504 82.978.559 1.919 25 20:32:36 9.482/h 5
5 13.215.496 8.643.046 4.516.688 139.403.980 3.224 40 26:16:46 15.930/h 6
6 22.202.035 14.520.318 7.588.037 234.198.687 5.417 63 32:14:55 26.764/h 7
7 37.299.419 24.394.134 12.747.902 393.453.795 9.101 101 38:29:45 44.966/h 8
8 62.663.024 40.982.146 21.416.476 661.002.375 15.288 162 45:04:15 75.542/h 9
Geometry level 40 – Architecture level 40
9 90.234.756 59.014.291 30.839.726 951.843.421 25.685 258 46:15:06 126.912/h 10
10 151.594.390 99.144.010 51.810.741 1.599.096.948 43.150 413 52:50:47 213.212/h 11
The building may be further expand.
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