Imhotep Temple

When Imhotep, the greatest scholar of all times, crossed the threshold between this world and the afterworld, he received the powers of healing, and became a god himself. In the temple built in his honor, wounded troops can be healed.

Elaborate reliefs carved into the walls of this gigantic temple, leave a detailed account of the Imhotep’s healing powers. Looking carefully at the ancient carvings, you will notice a sequel of images picturing a mysterious ceremony that is called the Resurrection of the Dead. These carvings are no accident, because Imhotep, the founder of the modern medicine, received a divine blessing when leaving our earthly existence. Thanks to Imhotep’s healing powers, wounded units can be healed when they enter this temple. The expansion level of the Imhotep Temple defines the range into which the percentage of healable units falls. This percentage is random for each battle, varying from the minimum to maximum value of the range. To increase the range, you need to further expand the Imhotep Temple.


– Herbal Medicine Level 25

– Season: Spring

– Geometry research reduces building construction costs by 1% per level.

– Architecture research reduces building construction time by 1% per level.

– Mummification research shortens the healing time by 1% per level.

Level Build Cost Build Time Consumption Number of Healed Units
Geometry level 10 – Architecture level 10
1 31.860 4.860 1.800 90 30 00:09:45 60/h 1% – 1%
2 43.011 5.561 2.430 121 10 00:17:14 80/h 1% – 2%
3 58.064 8.856 3.280 163 14 00:24:26 108/h 1% – 3%
4 78.387 11.957 4.428 221 19 00:32:23 146/h 1% – 4%
5 105.822 16.142 5.987 298 26 00:40:27 198/h 1% – 5%
6 142.860 21.791 8.071 403 35 00:48:82 268/h 1% – 6%
7 192.861 29.419 10.895 544 47 00:57:39 362/h 1% – 7%
8 260.364 39.716 14.709 435 64 01:06:54 490/h 1% – 8%
9 351.492 53.616 19.857 992 85 01:16:38 660/h 1% – 9%
10 474.514 72.383 26.808 1.340 116 01:26:57 892/h 5% – 10%
11 640.594 97.717 36.191 1.809 157 01:37:57 1.206/h 5% – 11%
12 864.802 131.918 48.858 2.442 211 01:49:43 1.628/h 5% – 12%
13 1.167.483 178.090 65.959 3.297 285 02:02:22 2.198/h 5% – 13%
14 1.576.103 240.422 89.045 4.451 385 02:16:03 2.968/h 5% – 14%
15 2.127.739 324.569 120.211 6.010 519 02:30:54 4.006/h 5% – 15%
16 2.872.448 438.169 162.284 8.113 701 02:47:06 5.408/h 5% – 16%
17 3.877.805 591.529 219.084 10.953 947 03:04:50 7.302/h 5% – 17%
18 5.235.037 798.564 295.764 14.787 1.278 03:24:22 9.858/h 5% – 18%
19 7.067.300 1.078.062 399.282 19.963 1.725 03:45:58 13.308/h 5% – 19%
20 9.540.855 1.455.384 539.030 26.591 2.329 04:09:54 17.966/h 10% – 20%
Geometry level 30 – Architecture level 30
21 10.017.899 1.528.153 565.982 28.298 3.145 03:35:07 24.256/h 10% – 21%
22 13.524.163 2.063.007 764.076 38.203 4.245 03:58:17 32.746/h 10% – 22%
23 18.257.621 2.785.060 1.031.503 51.574 5.730 04:24:15 44.206/h 10% – 23%
24 24.647.788 3.759.832 1.392.530 69.626 7.736 04:53:25 59.678/h 10% – 24%
25 33.274.515 5.075.733 1.879.915 93.955 10.444 05:26:17 80.566/h 10% – 25%
26 44.920.596 6.852.293 2.537.886 126.893 14.100 06:03:23 108.766/h 10% – 26%
27 60.642.804 9.250.597 3.426.146 171.306 19.034 06:46:23 146.834/h 10% – 27%
28 81.867.786 12.488.305 4.625.298 231.264 25.696 07:32:59 198.226/h 10% – 28%
29 110.521.512 16.859.213 6.244.152 312.207 34.690 08:27:04 267.606/h 10% – 29%
30 149.204.041 22.759.938 8.429.606 421.479 46.831 09:28:34 361.268/h 15% – 30%
Geometry level 40 – Architecture level 40
31 172.650.391 26.336.500 9.754.259 487.712 63.222 09:07:23 487.712/h 15% – 31%
32 233.078.028 35.554.275 13.168.249 658.412 85.350 10:15:50 658.412/h 15% – 32%
The building may be further expand.
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