Ramses Colossi

This monument grants the royal troops a very special bonus: as soon as it is built, the pharaoh’s troops will be able to travel more rapidly. Each new level of the monument grants a higher speed bonus.

Sitting on their gigantic thrones and visibly enjoying the beautiful river view, the Colossi are always the first whom the rising sun greets every morning. This double monument was built to immortalize the pharaoh Ramses II, and make the world know about his greatness and strength. There is something that seems peculiar, though: if you listen carefully, you will hear a strange sound that the Colossi seem to emit at the time about sunrise. Some people believe it to be the voice of Ramses II speaking to his successor, while others rather think that the Colossi just sing… Be it as it may, one thing remains certain, that the Ramses Colossi grant the royal troops a very special advantage: once this monument is built in the city, the troops leaving that city will be able to travel more rapidly.


– Zodiac Level 2

– Barter Level 25

– Season: Autumn

– Geometry research reduces building construction costs by 1% per level.

– Architecture research reduces building construction time by 1% per level.

Level Build Cost Build Time Consumption Travel Speed
Geometry level 30 – Architecture level 30
1 1.470.000 224.000 35.000 100 06:19:10 200/h +1%
2 1.984.500 302.400 47.250 135 06:49:30 270/h +2%
3 2.679.075 408.240 63.787 47 07:19:50 364/h +3%
4 3.616.750 551.124 86.112 64 07:50:10 492/h +4%
5 4.882.614 744.017 116.252 86 08:20:30 664/h +5%
6 6.591.529 1.004.423 156.940 116 08:50:50 896/h +6%
7 8.898.563 1.355.971 211.870 157 09:21:10 1.210/h +7%
8 12.013.061 1.830.561 286.024 212 09:51:30 1.634/h +8%
9 16.217.632 2.471.258 386.134 286 10:21:50 2.206/h +9%
10 21.893.804 3.336.198 521.280 386 10:52:10 2.978/h +10%
Geometry level 40 – Architecture level 40
11 25.334.260 3.860.458 603.196 521 09:45:00 4.020/h +11%
12 34.201.251 5.211.619 814.315 704 10:11:00 5.428/h +12%
The building may be further expand.
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