
The resources hidden in the Serdab are well protected from heavy thunderstorms, excessive sun exposure, as well as from robbery. These resources cannot be pillaged.

A secret chamber carved into the rock, called the Serdab, represents a complex combination of underground passages and separate shafts that reach far into the depths of the mountain. This is the place where your resources are kept safe and protected from robbery. In the event of an attack, the resources stored here, such as clay, granite and papyrus, cannot be pillaged.


– Measurement Level 10

– Espionage Level 8

– Season: Summer

– Geometry research reduces building construction costs by 1% per level.

– Architecture research reduces building construction time by 1% per level.

– Treaties research increases capacity by 1% per level.

Level Build Cost Build Time Consumption Hideout Capacity
Geometry level 10 – Architecture level 10
1 4.050 4.050 1.350 90 10 00:21:05 20/h 9.363
2 5.588 5.588 1.863 124 3 00:33:44 26/h 14.326
3 7.712 7.712 2.570 171 6 00:46:36 38/h 19.483
4 10.643 10.643 3.547 235 7 00:59:41 52/h 24.841
5 14.688 14.688 4.896 325 10 01:13:02 72/h 30.406
6 20.269 20.269 6.756 450 14 01:26:41 100/h 36.183
7 27.972 27.972 9.324 621 19 01:40:37 138/h 42.179
8 38.601 38.601 12.866 857 26 01:54:54 190/h 48.401
9 53.270 53.270 17.756 1.183 36 02:09:32 262/h 54.854
10 73.512 73.512 24.504 1.633 50 02:24:36 362/h 61.547
11 101.448 101.448 33.815 2.253 69 02:40:06 500/h 68.485
12 139.998 139.998 46.665 3.110 95 02:56:08 690/h 75.675
13 193.198 193.198 64.399 4.293 132 03:12:41 954/h 83.127
14 266.613 266.613 88.870 5.924 181 03:29:50 1.316/h 90.846
15 367.927 367.927 122.642 8.175 250 03:47:40 1.816/h 98.840
16 507.739 507.739 169.245 11.282 345 04:06:12 2.506/h 107.118
17 700.680 700.680 233.559 15.570 477 04:25:33 3.460/h 115.687
18 966.939 966.939 322.312 21.487 657 04:45:47 4.774/h 124.557
19 1.334.376 1.334.376 444.791 29.652 907 05:06:58 6.588/h 133.735
20 1.841.439 1.841.439 613.812 40.920 1.252 05:29:15 9.062/h 143.230
Geometry level 30 – Architecture level 30
21 1.976.478 1.976.478 658.826 43.921 1.728 04:48:34 12.548/h 153.051
22 2.727.540 2.727.540 909.180 60.611 2.384 05:08:47 17.316/h 163.209
23 3.764.007 3.764.006 1.254.668 83.644 3.291 05:30:11 23.898/h 173.711
24 5.194.329 5.194.329 1.731.443 115.429 4.540 05:52:51 32.978/h 184.568
25 7.168.175 7.168.175 2.389.391 159.292 6.267 06:16:55 45.512/h 195.789
26 9.892.081 9.892.081 3.297.360 219.823 8.647 06:42:31 62.806/h 207.386
27 13.651.073 13.651.073 4.550.357 303.356 11.933 07:09:50 86.672/h 219.369
28 18.838.481 18.838.481 6.279.493 418.632 16.468 07:39:07 119.608/h 231.747
29 25.997.104 25.997.104 8.665.701 577.712 22.726 08:10:16 165.060/h 244.533
30 35.876.003 35.876.003 11.958.667 797.244 31.362 08:43:46 227.784/h 257.738
Geometry level 40 – Architecture level 40
31 42.436.186 42.436.186 14.145.395 943.026 43.279 08:17:34 314.342/h 271.373
32 58.561.938 58.561.938 19.520.646 1.301.376 59.725 08:51:59 433.792/h 285.451
33 80.815.474 80.815.474 26.938.491 1.795.899 82.420 09:29:04 598.632/h 299.983
34 111.525.355 111.525.355 37.175.118 2.478.340 113.740 10:09:07 826.112/h 314.982
35 153.904.990 153.904.990 51.301.663 3.420.110 156.962 10:52:24 1.140.036 330.461
The building may be further expand.
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