Sundisk Mansion

Nobody knows for sure who was the architect of this beautiful mansion, or what it was originally used for. Apart from its obvious architectural and esthetic value, this building has a very special use: its mere presence raises the spirit of the Pharaoh’s troops, and grants them more luck on the battlefield.

Legend has it that the Sundisk Mansion was originaly built a very long time ago in an ancient city that no longer exists, whose ruins are nowadays buried somewhere deep beneath the sea waters. Before it completely sank in the floods of the Great River, it was said to have been an enormously rich and splendid city, whose prosperity was brought about by the mysterious powers of the very Sundisk Mansion. Before each important battle, soldiers used to gather on the plaza in front of the Sundisk Mansion, where they proceeded to say their prayers and ask the sun god Ra to stand by them. And, strangely enough, each time they had luck on the battlefield. If you build the Sundisk Mansion in your city, your troops will also receive a luck bonus. Each level of the Sundisk Mansion, however, represents the maximum luck value which you may receive; the actual luck bonus is random for each battle, varying from 0 to the maximum value defined by the level of the building.


– Zodiac Level 1

– Glassmaking Level 25

– Season: Spring

– Geometry research reduces building construction costs by 1% per level.

– Architecture research reduces building construction time by 1% per level.

Level Build Cost Build Time Consumption Luck Bonus
Geometry level 30 – Architecture level 30
1 1.540.000 560.000 35.000 100 07:17:30 200/h +1%
2 2.079.000 756.000 47.250 35 07:43:45 270/h +2%
3 2.806.650 1.020.600 63.787 47 08:10:00 364/h +3%
4 3.788.977 1.377.810 86.112 64 08:36:15 492/h +4%
5 5.115.119 1.860.043 116.252 86 09:02:30 664/h +5%
6 6.905.411 2.511.058 156.640 116 09:28:45 896/h +6%
7 9.322.305 3.389.929 211.870 157 09:55:00 1.210/h +7%
8 12.585.112 4.576.404 286.024 212 10:21:15 1.634/h +8%
9 16.989.901 6.178.146 386.134 286 10:47:30 2.206/h +9%
10 22.936.367 8.340.497 521.280 386 11:13:45 2.978/h +10%
The maximum Luck Bonus is 10%, so there is no point in further expanding the building.
Geometry level 40 – Architecture level 40
11 26.540.653 9.651.146 603.196 521 10:00:00 4.020/h +10%
12 35.829.882 13.029.048 814.315 704 10:22:30 5.428/h +10%
13 48.370.341 17.589.214 1.099.325 950 10:45:00 7.328/h +10%
14 65.299.960 23.745.439 1.484.089 1.282 11:07:30 9.892/h +10%
15 88.154.947 32.056.344 2.003.521 1.732 11:30:00 13.356/h +10%
The building may be further expand.
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