
Barter allows an unhindered exchange of resources and facilitates building profitable trade relations with other pharaohs.
The research of Barter will bring your empire lots of benefits: on the one hand, it will help establish internal trade within your own empire, so that an unhindered exchange of resources between your own cities can take place. On the other hand, you would be able to get cheaper goods from your neighbors once the trade relations are fully established. Long distance trade expeditions to Byblos or even to Babylon for the procurement of fancy leopard furs, precious jewelry, and sharp weapons would also be possible.


– Treaties Level 6

– Hieroglyphics reduces research costs by 1% per level.

Level Research Cost Research Time Loading Capacity
Hieroglyphics level 1 – Library level 1
1 297 1.188 4.950 30 00:02:39 +1%
2 424 1.698 7.078 42 00:05:49 +2%
3 606 2.428 10.121 61 00:09:05 +3%
4 868 3.473 14.474 87 00:12:29 +4%
5 1.241 4.966 20.698 125 00:16:02 +5%
6 1.775 7.103 29.599 179 00:19:47 +6%
7 2.539 10.158 42.326 256 00:23:43 +7%
8 3.631 14.526 60.527 366 00:27:57 +8%
9 5.192 20.773 86.554 524 00:32:28 +9%
10 7.425 29.704 123.773 750 00:37:23 +10%
Hieroglyphics level 20
11 8.581 34.326 143.027 1.072 00:42:45 +11%
12 12.271 49.086 204.529 1.533 00:48:39 +12%
13 17.548 70.194 292.746 2.193 00:55:13 +13%
14 25.094 100.377 418.242 3.136 01:02:34 +14%
15 35.884 143.540 598.087 4.485 01:10:52 +15%
16 51.315 205.263 855.264 6.414 01:20:17 +16%
17 73.381 293.526 1.223.028 9.172 01:31:03 +17%
18 104.935 419.743 1.748.930 13.116 01:43:27 +18%
19 150.057 600.232 2.500.970 18.757 01:57:48 +19%
20 214.583 858.332 3.576.388 26.822 02:14:30 +20%
Hieroglyphics level 30
21 268.496 1.073.989 4.474.955 38.356 02:34:01 +21%
22 383.950 1.535.804 6.399.187 54.850 02:56:53 +22%
23 549.049 2.196.201 9.150.837 78.435 03:23:49 +23%
24 785.141 3.140.567 13.085.697 112.163 03:55:37 +24%
25 1.122.752 4.491.567 18.712.548 160.393 04:33:14 +25%
Hieroglyphics level 30 – Library level 30
26 1.605.536 6.422.146 26.758.944 229.362 03:44:45 +26%
27 2.295.917 9.183.669 38.265.290 327.988 04:22:14 +27%
28 3.283.161 13.132.647 54.719.365 469.023 05:06:50 +28%
29 4.694.921 18.779.686 78.248.692 670.703 05:59:59 +29%
30 6.713.737 26.854.951 111.895.630 959.105 07:03:23 +30%
Hieroglyphics level 40 – Library level 40
31 8.229.124 32.916.497 137.152.073 1.371.520 07:07:48 +31%
32 11.767.647 47.070.591 196.127.465 1.961.274 08:25:22 +32%
33 16.827.736 67.310.946 280.462.275 2.804.622 09:58:07 +33%
34 24.063.663 96.254.652 401.061.054 4.010.610 11:49:06 +34%
35 34.411.038 137.644.153 573.517.307 5.735.173 14:01:57 +35%
The research may be further developed.
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