
Espionage allows you to train bedouins to become spies, so that they can provide you with valuable information about activities of other pharaohs.
Espionage is considered one of the oldest trades in the world, and rightly so. It is no secret that many a time empires were only able to survive thanks to critical information collected by a handful of scouts. Word has got around that there are no better scouts than bedouins in the entire Great Desert: they know the desert better than anyone else, they are used to riding at night without losing orientation, even when the moon is waning or not visible. Also, it is said that they don’t get that easily tired, either. All these good qualities make them perfect spies.
Thanks to Espionage, you can find out what your opponent is up to by collecting information about their troops, resources, and cities. In order to succeed in a spying mission, you need to keep researching Espionage. The number of bedouins that you send out matters, too, as it may influence the amount of information they collect. But be careful: if you send out too many units, they run the risk of being uncovered.


– Treaties Level 2

– Hieroglyphics reduces research costs by 1% per level.

Level Research Cost Research Time Espionage Level
Hieroglyphics level 1 – Library level 1
1 346 1.980 5 00:01:01 +1
2 457 2.613 6 00:03:14 +2
3 602 3.449 8 00:05:28 +3
4 795 4.553 11 00:07:47 +4
5 1.051 6.010 15 00:10:08 +5
6 1.387 7.933 20 00:12:34 +6
7 1.832 10.473 26 00:15:05 +7
8 2.418 13.825 34 00:17:42 +8
9 3.192 18.249 46 00:20:26 +9
10 4.215 24.088 60 00:23:18 +10
Hieroglyphics level 20
11 4.496 25.695 80 00:26:22 +11
12 5.935 33.917 105 00:29:38 +12
13 7.834 44.772 139 00:33:07 +13
14 10.341 59.098 184 00:36:56 +14
15 13.651 78.010 243 00:41:07 +15
16 18.020 102.973 321 00:45:42 +16
17 23.786 135.925 424 00:50:49 +17
18 31.398 179.422 560 00:56:33 +18
19 41.446 236.837 740 01:03:02 +19
20 54.708 312.625 976 01:10:24 +20
Hieroglyphics level 30
21 63.189 361.082 1.289 01:18:51 +21
22 83.409 476.628 1.702 01:28:35 +22
23 110.100 629.150 2.246 01:39:51 +23
24 145.333 830.478 2.965 01:52:59 +24
25 191.839 1.096.231 3.915 02:08:20 +25
26 253.229 1.447.025 5.167 02:26:21 +26
27 334.262 1.910.073 6.821 02:47:34 +27
28 441.226 2.521.297 9.004 03:12:37 +28
29 582.419 3.328.112 11.886 03:42:17 +29
30 768.793 4.393.109 15.689 04:17:28 +30
31 1.014.808 5.798.904 20.710 04:59:18 +31
32 1.339.546 7.654.553 27.337 05:49:06 +32
33 1.768.201 10.104.011 36.085 06:48:28 +33
34 2.334.026 13.337.294 47.633 07:59:17 +34
35 3.080.914 17.605.229 62.875 09:23:52 +35
Hieroglyphics level 30 – Library level 30
36 4.066.807 23.238.903 82.996 07:50:10 +36
37 5.368.186 30.675.351 109.554 09:15:40 +37
38 7.086.006 40.491.465 144.612 10:57:59 +38
39 9.353.528 53.448.733 190.888 13:00:28 +39
40 12.346.657 70.552.328 251.972 15:27:10 +40
41 16.297.587 93.129.073 332.603 18:22:56 +41
42 21.512.815 122.930.376 439.037 21:53:33 +42
43 28.396.916 162.268.097 579.528 26:06:00 +43
44 37.483.930 214.193.889 764.978 31:08:40 +44
45 49.478.788 282.735.933 1.009.771 37:11:35 +45
46 65.312.000 373.211.433 1.332.897 44:26:48 +46
The research may be further developed.
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