Anubis Warrior

These mysterious warriors fight for Anubis, the jackal-headed god of the dead and mummification. They accompany their master on his journeys between this world and the afterworld, and are kept alive by his powers.
There are many legends about these mysterious warriors who serve the jackal-headed god Anubis, the Lord of the dead and mummification. It is rumored that they sometimes appear in battle as jackals, sometimes as humans; there are even reports describing Anubis warriors as living mummies. But those who did meet these warriors, and who were fortunate enough to survive the encounter, left strange reports of their immortality. Whether the reports are true or not, no one can say; but it is certain that these warriors belong with body and soul to Anubis, that they move on the verge of this world and the afterworld, just as the Lord they serve.


– Sekhmet Temple Level 30

– Imhotep Temple Level 17

– Migdol Level 20

– Zodiac Level 1

– Alchemy research reduces recruiting costs by 1% per level.

Training Costs Training Time Strenght Stamina Weakness Cargo Speed Rates
127.500 102k 119k 510k 1 01:30:01 20.000 500.000 30% 0 100 144
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