Ra Warrior

The Ra Warrior fights in the division of Ra, in that part of the royal army whose patron is the mighty sun god Ra. With the sun god as their protector, these warriors have more stamina and resilience in battle.
The Ra Warrior fights in the division of Ra, one of the four divisions that bear the names of the gods Ra, Seth, Ptah, and Amun. The Ra division banner depicts their protector, the falcon-headed sun god Ra, with a huge red sun disk on his head. It is believed that this sun disk is the eye of Ra that sees every corner of the world. Warriors who fight on behalf of the sun god Ra, often report that they can sense the presence of their guardian on their side, which makes them feel more resilient and fearless on the battlefield.


– Sekhmet Temple Level 18

– Imhotep Temple Level 3

– Geometry Level 18

– Herbal Medicine Level 20

– Mineralogy Level 1

– Alchemy research reduces recruiting costs by 1% per level.

Training Costs Training Time Strenght Stamina Weakness Cargo Speed Rates
4.200 4.500 15.500 1 00:12:30 1.000 8.500 60% 0 1.000 38
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